Falasarna evening

One afternoon that Fiona was working we went to Falasarna.

The wind was blowing from West, it was a terse day and the views were great.

The sun was out, but the windchill stopped us from swimming. We hung out on the shore, I took some pictures as Giugiu and Sofia were playing.

Thanks to the high wind, visibility was excellent, and for the first time we caught a glimpse of land behind Antikythira, that must have been Kythira. I tried, but it was too faint for the camera.

Before leaving, we explored the caves behind the beach. There’s a very spacious one where a whole family could easily live and be well sheltered. It has some furniture and even some paintings on the walls. We fantasized about living there like real cavemen and little cavegirls.


With the new year, Sofia has joined Giugiu at athletics.

They have a lot of fun playing games with the new teacher Kelly and the other kids, as you can clearly tell by their expressions in these pictures.

Seriously though, they love it and are always eager to go.

Now that the weather has gotten warmer it’s even better.